Peter Schiff

2021-03-17 20:21:32 Peak Insanity
2021-03-17 12:16:58 Peak Insanity
2021-03-17 04:05:45 Peak Insanity

Jim Rickards

2021-03-17 20:31:02 Use it or Lose it

Eric Sprott

2020-06-11 04:58:04 Clearing the COMEX Decks
2020-06-10 00:00:03 Clearing the COMEX Decks
2020-06-10 12:59:03 Clearing the COMEX Decks
The Experts
USD 29,96
USD 93,06
USD 181,47
USD 234,01
USD 436,83
USD 863,34
USD 1.723,41
USD 1.944,60
USD 4.325,94
USD 8.606,15
USD 21.607,10
USD 43.239,67
USD 86.514,04
USD 1.732,57
USD 2.680,09
GoldSilver news - Blogspot : 2020-03-10 10:52:21
Investors book profits after gold hits seven year high on virus worries
Gold prices hit a more than seven-year high on Monday as a stock market rout on concerns over the widening coronavirus outbreak and its economic impact drove investors to safe-haven assets, although profit taking later unwound much of the metal's rise. Read more on GoldSilver news - Blogspot
Maalamalama : 2020-03-10 10:51:35
Gold and Silver Prices Did Not Rise on the Back of the Coronavirus Threat (and the Quiet Act of Raising Margins on Gold and Silver Futures)
There has been a lot of misinformation circulated in the mass financial media as always, this time regarding the reasons why gold and silver prices have spiked recently. Almost all mass media financial outlets have posed the question, “How long the ‘coronavirus-based’ gold and silver price spike can last?” Asking this question is conflating correlation and causation, a mistake frequently made by the mass financial media. For weeks, I have been stating that gold and silver prices were basing for a significant price spike higher on my skwealthacademy news site, even writing two months ago that gold and silver prices were readying to bounce higher soon. So the fact that gold and silver prices spike higher during recent growing concerns of the coronavirus spreading outside of China does not make it the primary reason why gold and silver prices have indeed spike. This would be like stating that, because a migration of thousands of geese took place over Seattle during a large 8.0 magnitude earthquake, that the correlated event of migrating geese was responsible, and not shifting tectonic plates, for creating the earthquake. Can you imagine the ridicule such “news” establishments would receive if they ran headlines stating “How many aftershocks will continue based upon the continuing geese migration?” Yet, the mass media always receives a pass for horrible journalism. As my skwealthacademy patrons know, I have been recommending them to buy gold and silver since gold was $1,180 an ounce and silver slipped below $14 an ounce in Q4 2018. Did the yet unknown coronavirus cause gold and silver prices to rise since these prices all the way up to the end of this month? Read more on Maalamalama
Silver Liberation Army - Blogspot : 2020-03-07 14:11:37
Gold climbs, equities slide, and fed cuts rates
Volatility runs rampant through the equities markets as the fears of the Coronavirus continue to grow in regards to supply chain disruption.  Read more on Silver Liberation Army - Blogspot
Reuters : 2020-03-07 14:11:04
Investors flee Wall Street, seek shelter in bond and gold
(Reuters) - U.S. stock markets tanked and the Dow Jones Industrials shed more than 800 points on Friday, as the global tally of coronavirus infections surpassed 100,000 and jittery investors took cover in the perceived safety of bonds and gold. Read more on Reuters
Maalamalama : 2020-03-07 14:10:51
Future Expectations for Gold and Silver Prices
After some nervousness exhibited among gold and silver holders last week after gold and silver prices sharply spiked higher to begin the week and then quickly spiraled downward, future expectations for gold and silver prices were unclear for many investors. With another week of price behavior under our belts, future expectations for gold and silver have regained clarity and rationality as well. Gold and silver prices, particularly gold, have rebounded nicely this week, with gold only down $10 an ounce as I write this sentence from its peak price last week before it was smashed downward. The smash in gold and silver prices last week, in light of admissions from Barclays, Deutsche Bank, and JP Morgan bankers of manipulating gold prices lower in recent years, had the fingerprints of another artificially orchestrated smash all over the pullback in prices and had many in the gold and silver community overly concerned about their future expectations for gold and silver price behavior. Read more on Maalamalama
Gold Silver Liberty - Blogspot : 2020-03-06 09:26:57
Get Ready: Coronavirus is the Real Deal, Stock Market Plunges, Gold Rallies
How bad economically will the Covid19 virus crisis get? Martenson points out, “One in eight companies are so-called zombie companies.” Meaning, they have to keep borrowing cheap money to stay in business.  Read more on Gold Silver Liberty - Blogspot
Zerohedge : 2020-03-06 09:26:31
Oil Markets Predicting Risk Of A Global Recession either case we expect central banks to return to the 2008 playbook soon...this should be very positive for gold.
[...] At the same time, this should be very positive for gold. Despite the near-term deflationary effects from lower commodity prices, we expect central banks to quickly return to the financial crisis playbook by slashing rates and deploying some form of Quantitative Easing (QE) or more direct form of stimulation (helicopter money). This would propel gold prices sharply higher over the medium term. Read more on Zerohedge
Zerohedge : 2020-03-05 12:55:50
Gold Is A Chameleon
Is gold a commodity, an investment, or money?
Gold is a chameleon. It changes in response to the environment. At times, gold behaves like a commodity. The gold price tracks the ups and downs of commodity indices. At other times, gold is viewed as a safe haven investment. It competes with stocks and bonds for investor attention. And on occasion, gold assumes its role as the most stable long-term form of money the world has ever known. Read more on Zerohedge
Gold Silver Liberty - Blogspot : 2020-03-05 12:54:35
Gold Hits Seven Year High Due to Global Fears: Is a New Bull Market Upon Us?
Sparked by a tidal wave of uncertainty surrounding the continued spread of the coronavirus, safe haven assets, such as gold and silver bullion continue to move higher, with the king of metals reaching a seven year high throughout Thursdays trading session.This was the third straight day of gains for gold bullion, as it reached as high as $1623 an ounce at one point, before dropping down slightly lower. Read more on Gold Silver Liberty - Blogspot
Gold Silver Liberty - Blogspot : 2020-03-05 12:11:52
Gold Eases, but Holds Near Seven Year Peak on Virus Concerns
Gold prices dipped on Thursday after China unveiled measures to soften the economic impact of the coronavirus outbreak, but the metal held close to a nearly seven-year peak scaled in the previous session as concerns over the epidemic prevailed.Spot gold was down 0.3% at $1,606.62 per ounce, as of 0749 GMT. U.S. gold futures dipped 0.1% to $1,609.60.“It seems to be a bit more corrective mostly because ... Read more on Gold Silver Liberty - Blogspot
Silver Liberation Army - Blogspot : 2020-03-10 12:36:12
Convulsion Economics: We Are Entering Into Economic Tribulation Times
Filmmaker, book author and renowned radio host Steve Quayle says, “So, now we are seeing an economic morass, upheaval and tumult. The best term to describe that is convulsion economics, or another word I made up, ‘convulsinomics.’ When someone goes into convulsions, it is something that is beyond their control.  Read more on Silver Liberation Army - Blogspot
Gold Silver Liberty - Blogspot : 2020-03-10 10:52:58
If the coronavirus isn’t contained, a severe global recession is almost certain
The world woke up Monday to the reality that the coronavirus epidemic is going to have a much bigger impact on the global economy than investors and policy makers had assumed. Just how big, no one really knows.Last week, it seemed as if financial markets believed that COVID-19 would be contained. But new cases in Italy, South Korea and Iran over the weekend undermined that belief. The World Health Organization tried to reassure the public on Monday, saying the disease was not yet a pandemic because it was not spreading in an uncontained way.No matter, stock markets GDOW, -2.81% SPX, -2.87% and other financial markets BUXX, +0.02% TMUBMUSD10Y, -6.89% GC00, +0.72% were quickly recalibrating the worst-case scenario, one in which hundreds of millions of people would be infected, and millions would die.Nasty, brutish and short Read more on Gold Silver Liberty - Blogspot
Reuters : 2020-03-07 14:12:29
OPEC oil cuts deal falls apart as Russia resists, crude prices plunge
OPEC’s plans for deep and prolonged oil cuts were derailed on Friday as non-OPEC Russia refused to support the move arguing that it was too early to predict the impact of a coronavirus outbreak on global energy demand, sources told Reuters. Read more on Reuters
Mish Talk : 2020-03-07 14:10:37
Massive Surge in India Coronavirus Cases Guaranteed
Looking for the next coronavirus hotspot? Check out India. Read more on Mish Talk
Mish Talk : 2020-03-07 14:10:24
Historic Crash in Bond Yields and More Coming
Bonds yields crashed this week. The Fed made emergency inter-meeting cuts last week but that is just the start. Read more on Mish Talk
Maalamalama : 2020-03-06 09:30:39
Could Central Bankers Scapegoat Coronavirus for the Next Imminent Global Economic Crisis?
We all know that Henry Kissinger famously stated in an interview, shortly after Barack Obama was elected President of the United States in 2009, that a crisis should be viewed as a “great opportunity” to implement massive changes that otherwise would not be accepted under normal societal conditions. Author Naomi Klein also discussed this subject in length, in her book The Shock Doctrine, of how those in power use, and even sometimes deliberately manufacture crises in order to create weakened and susceptible psychological states in citizens that allow them to implement changes in the global power structure within months that would otherwise take years to achieve (by the way, if you want to read The Shock Doctrine, a highly engaging and informative book, please patronize your local book store instead of buying this from Amazon). Keeping these known historical facts in mind, could Central Bankers use the coronavirus pandemic in an opportunistic, Machiavellian manner to scapegoat coronavirus as the source of blame for the next imminent global economic crisis that they manufactured? Read more on Maalamalama
Maalamalama : 2020-03-06 09:29:50
skwealthacademy’s Perfect Financial Storm Predictions and What’s Ahead
Thus far, the ups and downs of global financial markets have been playing out fairly closely to my predictions during the perfect financial storm that has materialized to begin this year, so let’s summarize my thoughts over the past several weeks before discussing my thoughts about the future (by the way, you can always read about my thoughts before anyone else by bookmarking my news site here). After observing and understanding the gravity of the coronavirus threat from being on the ground in Asia, I speculated in January if coronavirus would be “the black swan that pops the Bubble of Everything in 2020?” With global markets already a massive bubble as we began 2020, the development of a global pandemic only contributed to the development of a perfect financial storm. After more confirmation about the gravity of the coronavirus threat, and after becoming convinced on 6 February that it would spread to countries outside of China and form major outbreaks in other regions of the world, I speculated that “gold and silver prices [would] likely rise on coronavirus fears” and that the future “economic consequences” of the coronavirus pandemic were being “underreported”. Western mass media, after originally dismissing the coronavirus threat as having minimal to no impact upon the economies of Western nations, finally came around to realization of the truth in the past couple of weeks. Read more on Maalamalama
Mish Talk : 2020-03-06 09:29:15
Supply Shock and a Demand Shock Coming Up
Dual economic shocks are underway simultaneously. There are shortages of some things and lack of demand for others. Read more on Mish Talk
Mish Talk : 2020-03-06 09:28:52
Another Half-Point Fed Cut Priced In
The market expects another half-point cut on March 18 and so do I. Read more on Mish Talk
Mish Talk : 2020-03-06 09:28:05
Inversions Despite Surprise Cut: More Cuts Coming
This morning the Fed made an emergency 50 Basis point rate cut. More are coming. Read more on Mish Talk