Warren Buffett
Warren Buffett full interview on Healthcare, Stock Buybacks, Costco, Life Advice, Business School and MORE
Posted on 2019-09-09 18:39:00 [ Show older headlines ]

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Time stamp and topics discussed

00:05 Why the US economy is slowly down
1:00 Negative interest rates, Economic Variables
4:00 How much cash an ordinary investor should have
5:50 How closely should you follow stocks?
8:20 Buffett on stock buybacks 
10:30 Bernie Sanders and problem with stock buybacks
13:15 What characteristics do you look for in a president?
17:30: Was buying Kraft Heinz a mistake?
18:30 Why people like specific brands like Coca Cola
21:00 Why Hasn’t Warren Buffett bought Amazon stock
22:00 How do you recognize when a trend is over? (Newspapers)
24:00 Should we reduce the Federal debt?
25:15 Should we adjust our tax policy and the minimum wage? (Earned Income Credit)
29:00 Warren Buffett and his new healthcare initiative
31:07 Warren Buffett’s relationship with Todd Combs
35:30 Is the government over focused on drug prices?
36:40: Buying a stake in a company vs. company takeovers 
39:50 On buying insurance companies
41:10 Warren Buffett on buying the New York Times
42:30 Warren Buffett investing in General Electric (GE) a good decision?
46:20 What are the costs of a tax cut?
47:25 Warren on his kids and the future of Berkshire Hathaway 
50:00 Why Warren Buffett doesn’t read or pay attention to financial statements/news
51:05 The 5 most important things to Berkshire Hathaway shareholders
52:00 Why Costco is like Berkshire Hathaway
53:45: Warren Buffett on investing in JPMorgan Chase and Jamie Dimon
54:15 Warren Buffett on his surprise interest rates have remained so slow for so long
55:30 Does Climate Change change your investment strategy or insurance policies?
57:50 The risk of cyber attacks and an increasingly technologically driven world
59:38 Warren Buffett’s opinion on Elon Musk
1:00:50 Warren Buffett on investing in China
1:01:30 Is Donald Trump right about the US/China trade war?
1:04:00 Is Conflict between the US and China inevitable?
1:05:30 Would Buffett make a large acquisition in China?
1:07:30 Is the the US trade deficit a problem?
1:09:00 Is China’s slowly economic growth a concern?
1:11:20 How Warren defines truth success. 
1:12:15:  The importance of learning to communicate better
1:13:30 Warren Buffett’s life advice
1:14:30 Best investment advice
1:15:30 Warren Buffett’s morning routine
1:16:40 Is business school still worth it?
1:18:00 Buffett’s favorite song, book, and movie